2023-10-05 Roaming Rectangles
Series of rectangles where one is connected to the next one, of varying colors and sizes.
Plotter Preview
from random import randint, choice
from gcode2dplotterart import Plotter2D
BLACK_LAYER = 'thin_black'
COLOR_LAYERS=['thick_red', 'thick_yellow', 'thick_blue']
plotter = Plotter2D(
title="Roaming Rectangles",
x_min = 0,
x_max = 220,
y_min = -150, # Note - My plotting goes from -150 to 0.
y_max = 0,
handle_out_of_bounds='Warning' # Some points will be out of bounds for this, that's ok.
for layer in COLOR_LAYERS:
# Min movement is 10% of the total width/height
MIN_MOVEMENT_X = round((plotter.x_max - plotter.x_min) * 0.10)
MIN_MOVEMENT_Y = round((plotter.y_max - plotter.y_min) * 0.10)
# Max movement is 20% of the total width/height
MAX_MOVEMENT_X = round((plotter.x_max - plotter.x_min) * 0.20)
MAX_MOVEMENT_Y = round((plotter.y_max - plotter.y_min) * 0.20)
def calculate_next_move(start_point, end_point):
# Don't start the next rectangle where the current rectangle started, don't include (start_point[0], start_point[1])
next_point_start_options = [
(start_point[0], end_point[1]),
(end_point[0], start_point[1]),
(end_point[0], end_point[1]),
next_point_start = choice(next_point_start_options)
# Future improvement - Could optimize here so that choice([-1,1]) factors in the previous rectangle and doesn't plot on top.
movement_x = randint(MIN_MOVEMENT_X, MAX_MOVEMENT_X) * choice([-1, 1])
movement_y = randint(MIN_MOVEMENT_Y, MAX_MOVEMENT_Y) * choice([-1, 1])
next_point_end = (next_point_start[0] + movement_x, next_point_start[1] + movement_y)
return [next_point_start, next_point_end]
# Starting rectangle is a rectangle plotted around the center point.
CENTER_POINT = [(plotter.x_max + plotter.x_min) / 2, (plotter.y_max + plotter.y_min) / 2]
start_point = [CENTER_POINT[0] - plotter.width * 0.05, CENTER_POINT[1] - plotter.height * 0.05]
end_point = [CENTER_POINT[0] + (plotter.x_max - plotter.x_min) * 0.05, CENTER_POINT[1] + (plotter.y_max - plotter.y_min) * 0.05 ]
current_layer_index = 0
plotter.layers[COLOR_LAYERS[current_layer_index]].add_rectangle(start_point[0], start_point[1], end_point[0], end_point[1])
plotter.layers[BLACK_LAYER].add_rectangle(start_point[0], start_point[1], end_point[0], end_point[1])
current_rectangle_count = 0
while True:
# With 3 colors being plotted, the next rectangle plotted should not be the same color as the previous.
current_layer_index_choices = [index for [index, value] in enumerate(COLOR_LAYERS) if index != current_layer_index]
current_layer_index = choice(current_layer_index_choices)
while True:
# Lazy solution to prevent plotter from going out of bounds
[next_start_point, next_end_point] = calculate_next_move(start_point, end_point)
if plotter.is_point_in_bounds(next_start_point[0], next_start_point[1]) and plotter.is_point_in_bounds(next_end_point[0], next_end_point[1]):
plotter.layers[COLOR_LAYERS[current_layer_index]].add_rectangle(next_start_point[0], next_start_point[1], next_end_point[0], next_end_point[1])
plotter.layers[BLACK_LAYER].add_rectangle(next_start_point[0], next_start_point[1], next_end_point[0], next_end_point[1])
start_point = next_start_point
end_point = next_end_point
current_rectangle_count += 1
if current_rectangle_count == TOTAL_RECTANGLES: